As Men Shun Responsibilities, Women are Taking Over- Archbishop Kaziimba

No handshakes. No flashy photography. As you all might know by now, Uganda has a new Archbishop. And yes, these were among the rules...

Keep Safe: Kampala on Lock Down

You all must have heard the news by now if not fell it. The City is on a lockdown of sorts, movement is allowed...

Matooke: Uganda’s National Food

Matooke is the staple food of Baganda, the most dominant tribe in Uganda. It is also widely eaten in several countries in East Africa;...

Jennifer Musisi Goes Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi

The Executive Director of Kampala, Mrs. Jennifer Musisi has kicked gorilla trekking offer her bucket list. Clad in a t-shirt with words Am Ugandan 100%,...

Uganda’s Independence: A 57 Year-old Ugandan Story

It has been a 57year-old affair. It started with ‘discoveries’ by explorers and soothed into a full-blown colonial system. After nearly a century, Great...

Why You Need to Stay Away from Alcohol

Since for some people there can’t be a celebration without alcohol, it helps to know the dangers and steer clear of trouble or even...

The Connotation of the Independence Monument

For over five decades ever since Uganda got its Independence, the independence monument has imposingly stood height of 6 meters at the heart of...

Glow Every Single Day

Looking good is a confidence booster and it is also another way of relaxing. So, enjoy these seven beauty tips throughout the week; Pamper those...

Uganda is the Best English Speaking Country in Africa- says Report

There are 28 English speaking countries in Africa and The World Linguistic society named Uganda as the best English speaking country in the continent. This...

Uganda Shines in Uruguay: A Rugby Story

For Rugby lovers, telling the whole story is no doubt pertinent, but for those passionate about marketing destination Uganda, this tournament presents a grave...

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