Electric Fence, CCTV Cameras for Queen Elizabeth National Game Park

Recently, a 10-km long deterrent electric fence covering the periphery of the section of Queen Elizabeth National Park was commission by President Yoweri Museveni,...

Uganda’s Independence: A 57 Year-old Ugandan Story

It has been a 57year-old affair. It started with ‘discoveries’ by explorers and soothed into a full-blown colonial system. After nearly a century, Great...

AFCON: Just like that, Ugandans Love the DR Congo

But DRC was not taking this joke lying. A one Teekay wrote, “Someone please ndibhalanziseiwo so we lost 1nil to Egypt and same Egypt...

3 Tips to Help You Save on Your Uganda Safari

Save up to 30% on your upcoming Uganda tour by getting best unbeatable prices of great value with your best tour operator offering all...

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